Friday, August 4, 2017

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation Job Circular 2017

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation Job Circular 2017: Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation BJMC Job Circular 2017 has recently been published on the official website of Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) at on 18 July 2017. This recent govt job circular in bd has the total number of post of 333 of different posts. Interested candidate can apply for the posts.

Bangladesh jute mill corporation circular 2017: If you want to get all the information related with bjmc Job Circular 2017, you can visit our website that is all the govt bank jobs news/ information including Bangladesh jute mills corporation jobs will be available on our website. So, Interested And Eligible candidates who are Bangladeshi citizen are requested to apply through job application form and visit our website to get job-related information including Bangladesh patkol corporation.

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation Job Circular

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) Job Circular 2017 at a glance:

Post Position: See Job Circular Image.

Published Date:  18 July 2017

Application Deadline: 17 August 2017

Number of posts: 333

Age limit: 18 to 30 Years

Salary: According to Government Pay Scale 2015

Job Nature: Full Time

Job category: Government Jobs

Jobs Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) Job Circular 2017

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation Job Circular

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation Job Circular

Application Deadline: 17 August 2017

About BJMC at a glance:

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) was established under Article 10 of Bangladesh Industrial Enterprises (Nationalization) Order 1972 (PO 27 of 1972) with the aim and objective of controlling, supervising and coordinating the activities of jute mills nationalized and placed under it
The BJMC is managed by a Board of Directors headed by the Chairman. Now the organization is operating 26 mills (including 3 non-jute industries). There are 7 mills in Dhaka zone, 10 miles in Chittagong and 9 mills in Khulna zone. BJMC has two Zonal Offices for supervising and coordinating the activities of regional mills. you can see all notice of  Bangladesh patkol corporation job circular including in board to get form.

At present, the BJMC is the biggest employer in the industrial sector of the country. It provides direct employment to about 70,000 workers and 5500 officers & staffs supporting the livelihood of around 6.0 million farm families. More than 50 million people are directly or indirectly involved with jute and jute industry. The vision of Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) is to a self-dependent and profitable organization. The mission of BJMC is to dominate the world market and ensure the maximum facility for the BJMC, to produce the best quality jute goods using local raw materials, to earn foreign exchange adding 100% value, to help the farmers in getting a fair price of jute, to incite the use of eco-friendly natural fiber avoiding synthetic, to recommend the government in order to formulate time serving policy for the development of jute and jute industry and assist to implement the policy.

See Also: Department of Social Services Job Circular 2017
                 Bangladesh Bank Job Circular -2017


There are many job sites in Bangladesh such as bd jobs com online job posting, bd jobs hot jobs, bangla chakrir khobor in weekly chakrir khobor bangla newspaper, Dhaka jobs all job circular, www bdjobs com government, www bangladesh bank org career, www bdjobs career com etc. But all job sites in bd sometimes publish job circulars like recent govt job circular in bd, the information of Agrani bank online application and Bangladesh Krishi bank job application form, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited job circular, Modhumoti Bank job circular, NRB job circular, Trust Bank job circular, MBL job circular, Ministry of finance circulars etc. which are not always right information.

So our website is going to publish the right information of jobs circulars like bd jobs today education, Dhaka jobs, Bangladesh Bank Ltd recruitment, IBBL or Islami Bank job circular, Bangladesh Sonali Bank job circular etc.

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